piatok 29. novembra 2013


Hi everyone,

I am so thankful that I can write this blog. It makes me so happy.

I know that it is only evening but I just want to show you what I am usually having for breakfast. Even it is healthy or now, this is the most important food of my day! I eat for breakfast fruit with some cereals, eggs or ham. Cup of hot tea or coffee in needed in this cold weather.

Sometime I need to eat something heatlthy :)

But what can I do when I love it :DDD

This is what I need every morning. I drink green or black tea.

Right now, I try to do this on my cup.

streda 27. novembra 2013

December is here soon

Hi my beautiful friends,

December is here in 3 days, so here is some inspirations for chrismas decorations to your house. Hope you will have Christmas mood after see this blog.

First think you will need is a Advent wreath:

You can choose from different tipes of wreaths.

A very impostant part of decorating is to put some peaces on the enterance door!

You can made some decos at home too. Here is small inspiration.

Hope you get some inspiration. I am just preparing to put some lights into my windows.

Have a good day!


nedeľa 24. novembra 2013

Lazy Sunday

Hi my friends,

In this part of year we usually love spending our free time at home, near fireplace, with cup of tea or coffee in hand. Warm clothes and beautiful pair of winter socks should also be needed. I just thinking about watching some film or reading book, because the weather that is out is absolutely horrible. It has been raining for 2 day. Hopefuly the snow would come in a few days.

Enjoy your Saturday!!!

Winter fashion

Hi my friends, I would like to show you some of my favourite winter pieces of clothes from H&M. I really like eveyrithing red, or with winther monograms. And the most perfect peace in fall/winter collection is cooperation with Isabel Marant.

Some inspiration dresses !

To cold winter weather you need some sweather or cardigan

Skirts are must- have of this winter

And also, you will need scarf, hat and gloves

The last peace I  am absolutely in love with is this Isabel Marant jacket.