nedeľa 8. decembra 2013


Hello everyone !

Finally I get a good sleep after the PROM. An awsome night with my best classmates and parents. I really enjoyed the whole night. I will  never forget to this amazing night :*

utorok 3. decembra 2013

Prom is coming !

Hi my friends,

In four days is my PROM here!!! I am bit nervous, but hope everything is going to work well.
Just thinking about my hairstyle and my nails.

Still don´t know which one I will choose, but as my dress is red maybe the red one will be the best.

 As I have a very long hair, for me it is comforlable to have a bun, or brai all hair to an updo.

I finally decidet to have this hairstyle on my friday ´s Prom :)

nedeľa 1. decembra 2013

Hello, December

Hi my friends,

December is finally here. I am so happy. This is my most  favourite mounth of the year. Christmas is coming, snow is here soon, my birthday are here in 26 days and so. I love December because of lots of thing. Oh and my prom is in 5 days here and I am so nervous.

So enjoy December like me. I will be blogging about December and Christmas during this mounth.

Have a beautiful first Advent Sunday !!!