pondelok 24. novembra 2014

The Five Minute Journal

Hi guys!

One week ago I start writing The Five Minute Journal. Maybe some of you know what is it, but maybe not.

TFMJ is a juornal for people who don´t used to write any type of journal. It´s a journal in which you write twice a day, and it will never tkae you more than 5 minute. You answer 3 simple questions at the morning and 2 in the evening.

This journal is here to stimutale your toughts and mind to start thinking more positive and to make your life easier and happier.

I heart about this journal from Mimi Ikonn and her men Alex Ikonn. Alex is one of the creator of this journal. I was thinking a long time about ordering this journal, and two weeks ago there was the right time to order it.

I am just starting to write this journal, so i still can´t see the results, but hopefully in one mounth I will see something is happening with me.


Hope you are oing to be interesting in it as much as I am.

Have a great evening!!!

nedeľa 23. novembra 2014

Are you ready for christmas?

Hi guys!

How are you? I am so, so exiting that December is here in 7 days !!!! Yuppyyy :)

I absolutely abore December and Christmas time. Everything is so shine and bright. Lights are everywhere. Everything is full of people, they enjoy meeting friends and family. Looking forward this time. Just want to have snow here already, for the best atmosphere of Christmas.

Hope I am going to have enough time to post here almost every day.

Love you :*

štvrtok 13. novembra 2014

Favourite movie

Hi everyone !

Just thinking what to do at the weekend because I am going onto one small surgary this evening, so I am going to lie in bet almost the whole weekend :(

So the only good decision about what to do is to looking moviees :) I am going to do small movie marathon for me.

So here are some of my all-time favourite movies( hope you are going to love them) :








I don´t really want to put numbers beside the name of the film, because I abore the all !

Hope that I am going to watch every single of them at the weekend !

streda 12. novembra 2014

Glasses frame !

Hi guys,

As you may know, I am wearing glasses. Right now is time when I really want to change my glasses frame. Hope you are going to help me :)

I really abore old vintage glasses in black or brown. Fine some peacen on the Internet so hopefully I will fine some in my optic too.

Lots of celebrities love wearing this time of glasses in the moment, so I fine the inspiration here.

Here are some picks which I found the last few days !

Have a great evening !!!

nedeľa 9. novembra 2014

Recipe: Homemade ginger- lemon tea

Hi my beautiful friend !

How are you? Hope you all have fantastic weekend. Just want to share with you one of my favourite recipe for a homemade ginger- lemon tea. I drink this tea pretty every day, since the weather is not the greatest. So here is the recipe!


  • hot water
  • lemon
  • ginger( 2-3 cm)
  • brown sugar

1. boil the water
2. cut lemon to small slices

3. scuff and cut ginger

4. put everything into a cup and add one table spoon of brown sugar

5. add boiled water and wait for 5-7 minutes

6. your tea is ready to drink :)

Hope you are going to enjoy this tea as much as I enjoy it every day.

štvrtok 6. novembra 2014

Youtube channels

Hi my friends !

Hope you love the previous posts.Just come home form school, the weather outside is soo bad. Cloudy, cold and it is going to start raining in some minutes. Thinking what to do in this time. Here is some tipes what to do (or watch). Some of my favorite youtube channels.

1. mimi ikonn
instagram: http://instagram.com/mimiikonn

Mimi is one of my all time favorite blogger, youtuber and as well as fashion ikone. She try to make her videos about fashion, but sometimes she just talk about her life and about problem. I just abore her!

2. tanya burr
blog: http://tanyaburr.co.uk/

 Tanya Burr is the next one. Make up artist, who runs her own youtube channel for over 3 years. Big inspiration for me. She post a lot of videos and vlogs too.

 3. luxy hair

This channel is work of two girls, one I have already mention, Mimi Ikonn and her sister Leyla. This channel is all about super cool and sophisticated hairstyle tutorials. Great inspiration for every girl.

4.FIS alpine

As skiing is my most favourite sport I need to have still enough information about what happened is skier life, or who won the last race. I just love to be informed!

See you soon guys !

Hi everyone !

I want to share some pictures form my student and family life with you. so here are some of them.
Hope you are going to enjoy them as I enjoy every single situation when these pictures was made.

Lots of HUGS :*

 Crazy people all around me !

streda 5. novembra 2014


Hi guys !

I am so sad that I haven´t been writing on this blog for almost a year. What a long time.

I start missing this, so I am here again. :D

When I am thinking what to write about, just look for some pictures and guess what?  November is officialy here. One of my favourite mounth. For some of you november could be cold, sad, dark...but look at this pictures and try do relax. Just open your favorite book, make a cup of tea and relax. Or go for a beautiful walk and enjoy beautiful leafes colours.

Love you all, see you soon !