piatok 27. novembra 2015

Gingerbread men baking

Hi lovely people.

I am so sorry, that I haven´t been bloggging for very long time, but I am back here in Christmas time. I know, that it is still November, but I am so in Christmas mood right now. Today I just spontaniously decidet that I wanted to bake gingerbread men and I am going to share my recipe with you. So here it is.


350 g plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
125 g butter
175 g brown sugar
1 large egg
4 tbsp mapel syrup


Just mix all the ingredience together in your food processor. When your dough is ready, put in into the fridge for about 15 min.. Preheat the oven for 180C and line two baking trays with baking paper. Rool the dough out, use cutters to make the gingerbread men and lay it on the tray. Bake for about 12-13 minutes and then leave it to cool down for about 15 minutes. 

Hope you are going to love this recipe. Enjoy your baking!

piatok 24. apríla 2015

DIY- birthday card

Hi everyone.

I had a creative afternoon yesterday, so I wanna to show you all how to do some beautiful birthday card for your family and friends.

Hope you are going to enjoy it!

Things you´ll need:

  • scissors
  • adhesive
  • colored paper
  • card
  • pencil
  • ring
  • lace
  • double-sides adhesive tape

1. step: start doing circles on your colored paper with the ring and pencil

2. step: cut out all the circles

3.step: put the double-sided adhesive tape on each circle

4.step: start sticking circles on the card, On the bottom circles add the lace.

5. step: write down the wish( happy birthday) and you are DONE!

utorok 21. apríla 2015

H&M fashion haul

Hi everyone

A week ago I did a small online shopping at the new H&M online store here in Slovakia. Need to say that I found there very beautiful peaces. But as I know that my wardrobe at home is full, so I just by a few thinks I can´t live without right now!

As a spring time is here, I need something more spring clothes or maybe I don´t need to but I just want to. So here is the stuff I bought:

And yes, I bought the same shoes in 2 different colours. You never know when you are going to need them :)

sobota 18. apríla 2015

My favourite apps at the moment

Hi everyone

Lots of bloggers share their favourite apps in their phones, so I also decidet to share my favorite apps with you right now.

1. Instagram

 Instagram is definitly my most favourite one. I just love it. You can find pretty much everybody here. I love taking photos and also I love to go thourg photos of other people, celebrity, my friends....Instagram usually give me a big inspiration into my life.

my favourite instagramers:
- mimiikonn
- taza
- tanyaburr
- thefashionguitar

2. Youtube

You know that I am a big fan of youtube (wrote a post about it). I cant imagine a week when I don´t open my Youtube app.

3. Snapchat

What an amazing app. I love it so much. Sharing everyday life with friends is amazing. And the best think is that a lot of well- known people use snapchat too and they share their stories to everybody.

4. 7 minute workout

I need to say that I am very lazy person, but I realise that I need to move more, so I brows though internet I found this amazing workout app. There are so many exercises from which you can chose, an it will only take you 7 minute every day to do this. Lets try it!

piatok 17. apríla 2015


Hi guys!

In this post I just wanna to apologize that I haven´t been blogging for such a long time.
I´ve got very hard time in my life, maybe the hardest. I left university after first semester, because
I´ve realised that I was not really interesting in the subject which I was studying, so I just decidet to ended it. I was so depresed from all the stuff happening around me, as all my friends stay at universities, but I went throuh it. My aunt invited me for a long stay visit to Switzerland where I spent 2 mounth. I was helping her with house work, just chilled and thought about myself and my life.

After this stay I came to the point when I realise what I want to do with my life. I sent applications to 2 universities, so hopefully this will be what I really wanna to do.

Love you so much!!!

piatok 2. januára 2015

Happy 2015

Hi everyone!

Can´t believe it is already 2015. Yeaaah. So happy 2015 to every single one of youu :) Love you so much.

Was really looking forward a new year, but it came really fast. 2014 was a Year od changes for me. I end my high school, need to leave all my classmates, teachers, my old school, which I am so sad for. Then a go to university, hart time again with finding new friends, knowing new places and everything. But at the end, it was quite a good year for me.

Hope that 2015 will be kind to me. Hopefuuly I will go through more adventures :)

Looking forward!

KISS xxx

Some memories from 2014:

utorok 16. decembra 2014

Finally holiday

Hi guys,

so finally, i did all my exams in this year and I am having holiday. After almost 3 months I am going to have a really long and good sleep, enjoy a big breakfast with cup of caffee and going to enjoy time at home with my family. As it is Christmas time there are lot of work which need to be done, so I am going to help my mum with baking christmas cookies, cleaning the house and grocery shopping. Really looking forward.

Hopefully, you are going to enjoy this time of the year as much as you can.

Love you :*